Just Another Week

OPINION: Sometimes Government Works As It Should

I was impressed hearing the decision-making process used by the Whitehall school board last month.

The board was tasked with deciding if it should implement cuts in the high school athletic program. Specifically, the volleyball team has more than 50 players signed up, leading to increased expenses and potential safety issues.  

The decision wasn’t an easy one, but the group came to the correct conclusion. I don’t say that because I agree with what they decided — though, I do — but because the decision was made based on what the public wanted. 

It was clear that board members discussed the issue with taxpayers. They heard both sides and came to a consensus. That is exactly how local government is supposed to work. 

That process would be a good example for state and national decision-makers. Even local representatives sometimes ignore constituents to hold the party line or follow the dollar sign. Sometimes, it seems they make decisions solely to contrast the opposite political party. 

The Whitehall board got it right, not because they made the right decision but because they let the people guide them. I hope to see more of that going forward. 

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