Letters to the Editor -- October 25, 2023
To the Editor:
It’s my turn again. Hopefully, when I’m finished wordsmithing, it will cause you to stir.
I’m leaning into today’s current state of affairs, so my rhetoric must invariably have political highlights or else why bother? Some of you are already rolling your eyes, while others have re-adjusted in your chairs. I pose to you a question. What causes one person to become involved, while the next sit’s back and joins in on the gaper’s view?
Every day, I keep discovering, I’m not alone. Others are actively creating change. Congressional Representative Derrick Van Orden isn’t sitting back on his hands either.
I just finished reading one of the op-eds on his website, and came to find out he is taking a trip to Israel. Here is a copied excerpt, and I quote:
“The intent of my trip to Israel during this time of crisis is multifold. Primarily, I am there to witness what has and is taking place so that I can speak from an informed position to categorically refute members of the Democratic party and others who are actively denying the horrific acts that have been, and continue to be, committed as you read this. I will be inspecting medical facilities to have a holistic understanding of the current and future needs of the Israeli people and speaking to military and other governmental officials to understand the needs of those entities and how to best provide them as I do not trust the Biden administration to do so truthfully.”
Things are probably going to get a lot worse before they start getting better. You can’t clean up a mess without making a mess. We all can continue to live day to day expecting everyone else to do the dirty work.
You, who earlier re-adjusted in your chair it’s time to get involved. May I suggest you reach out to your counties Republican party and join like I did, then get active. Or, you can keep doing the same things you’ve been doing, expecting different results. That sounds like the definition of insanity to me!
Mr. Dana B. Auer,