From Our Early Files March 15, 2023





March 19, 1998

A proposed historical museum for Trempealeau County got a boost from the county board of supervisors. The county board voted unanimously to approve a resolution calling for the county to proceed with the development of a historical center. The resolution reconfigures the study panel as a county historic museum transition committee and calls for the reappointment of present members.

If a national effort to help small farming operations succeeds, part of the credit will have to go to a rural Whitehall man. Everette Herness served on the 30-member National Commission on Small Farms, which completed the initial phase of its work earlier this year. Herness, an area native, farms with his son on the family place just east of Whitehall. 

Four members of Whitehall Troop 60 will receive the highest individual award presented in Girl Scouting this weekend. Stephanie Ekern, Bambi Kneifl, Jennifer Paul and Tricia Sobotta will be honored at the Gold and Silver Awards Banquet hosted by the Riverland Girl Scout Council on Sunday in La Crosse. All four will receive the Gold Award, which takes about two years to earn, challenges girls to excel in leadership, service and self-development by completing interest projects and the requirements for Scout pins and badges and developing a culmination project. 

It seemed like a dream for the Arcadia girls basketball team as they entered the $44 million Kohl Center court on Thursday morning to play the role of underdog to Marathon in the first round of the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association Division Three State Tournament. The huge building was filled with cheers from almost 600 local fans that went to Madison to support their team. The Raiders were defeated, 61-45, by top-ranked Marathon in the first high school game ever played in the Kohl Center.

The city of Arcadia hired a new secretary to help with work at City Hall. Judy Sobota was hired for the new position, which was created to alleviate some of the growing workload at City Hall. 

The Arcadia-Glencoe Volunteer Fire Department recently spent $1,500 on a Cascade Air System to help fill air tanks for firemen who are battling a blaze. Funds were generated by fundraising events held throughout the year. 

The village of Trempealeau has signed a letter of intent addressed to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for possible preservation of the old lock house at Lock and Dam No. 6 in Trempealeau. A group of community members was informed that when the new lock house at Lock and Dam No. 6 is completed in December of 1998, the old lock house is scheduled to be demolished and an observation platform is to built on the site. 

The town of Gale is selling the main building of what used to be Beaver Builders after buying it from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation two months ago. The Gale town board approved a motion to advertise for bids for the main building Thursday night. Roland Thompson, chairman, said “there is a good possibility of fairly good money” for the building and property. 


March 22, 1972

The Whitehall district school board Monday accepted the resignation of Ken Stellpflug as head basketball coach. Stellpflug, who will continue as teacher and athletic director, will be succeeded by Myron Rice. Also accepted were the resignations of Spanish teacher Louis Ferris and agriculture instructor John Vizelka.

The Whitehall city council has revoked the five-day suspension of city police officer John Sikora. Police Chief George Fromm said Sikora, who was suspended for his handling of an arrest, will remain on a 90-day probation.

At least eight golfers braved the chill winds and extra water hazards at the Whitehall Golf Club last Sunday to play golf. They were John Berg, Ray Hagen, George Hegge, Norman Hegge, Oscar Lovelien, Sanford Moen and Bob Zimmer.

The top scholars for the Arcadia High School class of 1973 have been announced. They are James Feltes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roman Feltes, Arcadia, valedictorian, and Michael Pavlicin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michal Pavlicin, Arcadia, salutatorian. 

A total of 180 Arcadia Public School music department students participated in the solo-ensemble contest at Independence last Saturday. 

While high water in many places in the U.S. is making headlines this year, Arcadia has nothing to fear. The Trempealeau River at Arcadia crested at 6.59 feet on Sunday morning, according to Edward Kaiser, who takes daily readings for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. By Monday morning, the river had receded to 3.01 feet. Ice, covering only backwaters and sloughs this year, went out early in March, Kaiser said. 

The Galesville Elementary School has a symbol all their own. Unit C newspaper staff sponsored a contest recently, offering prizes to the students who designed the best symbol for the school. First prize was given to Kim Lebakken; second, Dawn Sveen; third Connie Schein and fourth, Kim Corcoran. The newspaper is called KID POWER. Linda Tschumper, editor, and Lisa Quall, co-editor, representing the staff presented the awards. 


March 18, 1947

The Trempealeau County school committee and Miss Dorris Sander, county superintendent of schools, have been holding a series of educational meetings around the county for the purpose of explaining the reorganization plan set up by the state legislature last year.

The case against Frank Bisek, scheduled to be heard in justice court before P.M. Paulson this week Tuesday, has been postponed until after the spring term of circuit court, at which the case against his cousin, Adam Bisek, will be heard. The cousins, both residing near Independence, were arrested Jan. 7, after they had quarreled on Frank’s farm and exchanged gunfire, during which Adam was injured.

Members of the Masonic order from several surrounding towns attended a lodge meeting at Whitehall Tuesday evening, when our fellow townsman, E.C. Getts, was presented a 50-year certificate issued by the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin.

Brakebush Bros. of Chicago, who operate an egg-purchasing plant in East Whitehall, have purchased a lot from Olaf Larson and plan to erect a residence there this year for their local manager. Bennie Peterson, Blair farmer and father of Eyvind Peterson, who has the John Deere business on the east side, has purchased a building lot from Elmer Larson.

The Whitehall Packing Co. reports purchasing a 2,090-pound bull from Clarence Kaas of Pigeon, for which he received a check for $438.90.

In spite of a record low temperature of 38 below zero recorded on some Pigeon Falls thermometers, there was fine crowd at the U.L. ladies aid meeting.

Starting April 2, roller skating will be held at the West Lincoln pavilion every Friday from 8 to 10:30 p.m.

Iver Johnstad, manager of the Pigeon Falls baseball club, announces a benefit basketball game at the Osseo community hall this Sunday afternoon, proceeds to be used for purchasing uniforms and supplies for the team. The game will be a doubleheader, starting with a tilt between the Pigeon Falls and York grade school boys, followed by an exhibition between the Pigeon and York old-timers.

One of the most disastrous fires in the history of Arcadia razed three business places in the heart of the city’s business section. They were the Farmers Store hardware building, the John Runkel Drug Store and the Steve Kotlarz electrical shop. The living quarters and personal effects of Mr. and Mrs. George Schwertel over the electric shop were also destroyed. In all, it is believed that the total loss of the three businesses is over $65,000. 

Arcadia’s city baseball team completed their organization for the coming season by electing the following officers last Friday night: George Kostner, manager; William Cashen, coach; Adrian Kostner, secretary and booking agent; Hilarian Abts, treasurer. The board of directors consists of A.C. Schultz, president; Morris English, R.F. English and Werner Bill. New suits have been ordered for the players and are scheduled to arrive in time for the opening of the season. 


March 22, 1923

The village caucus was held last night at the Village Hall, and future caucuses will be held there, instead of at the town hall, as previously. O.C. Torson and G.S. Rice were placed on the ticket for president. For trustees, John Hager was renominated to succeed himself, and the other candidates are Albert Kins, R.A. Fortun, A.E. Saxrud and Ole Houg, although we understand Mr. Fortun wishes to withdraw. F.N. Larson and George Larson are the candidates for clerk, and Oscar Nelson and C.B. Melby were nominated without opposition for treasurer and supervisor, respectively.

Rudolph Kube of Arcadia exhibited five handsome fox pelts at Clerk Risberg’s office this morning, on which he receives a bounty of $2 each from the county and a like amount from the state.

A fire alarm was turned in last night, while the inhabitants of the village were considering a new set of village officers at the hall. Simonson’s smoke house was acting up and hence the alarm. At 2:30 a.m. this morning, it again began to threaten a conflagration, and the alarm was again turned in. About 600 pounds of meat were burned.

The Arcadia Fire Department was called out Sunday to the residence of F.J. Weisenberger on Ash street for a bad chimney fire. 

Ninety Arcadia villagers attended the Saturday evening caucus. Candidates nominated for office were: Theodore Knudtson, F.B. McWeeny, president; M.W. George, A Kamla, C.A. Doenier, G.J. Glanzer, trustees; R. N. Hohmann, clerk; M. Mergener, Mrs. Ed Fernholz, treasurer; J.K. Cysewski, M.W. Waters, assesor; W.E. English, J.A. Palmer supervisor; A Watkowski, E.J. Felsheim, justice of peace; A. Watkowski, J.J. Schneider, police justice; Art Hertzfeldt, H.F. Theurer, constable. 


March 17, 1898

This is St. Patrick’s Day, and the green is the favorite color of many of our citizens.

Thompson and Bakken report the completion of a 148-foot drive well, with 30 feet of water, on the Hovde farm.

Messrs. Vold and Everson, machinery dealers, are rearranging the building on the former’s lot. They will put up an addition to it, and add an office.

Bennie M. Engen, of the Great Central Photo and Copying Co., who has been with that company for some time, has been promoted and is now taking negatives at Osseo.

A petition having been presented to the village board asking that the question of license be submitted to the voters at the coming spring election, the question will be accordingly voted upon April 5.

Robert H. Engen began the erection of his business building on his lot on Scranton Street Monday. It is to be 50 by 28 feet, 12 feet high, with a basement 16 by 18 feet. Richard Mattson has the contract to do the carpenter work, and Thomas Iveland, the masonry.

L.N. Agneberg succeeds Fred Whitney as bookkeeper under Manager Hokland for the Whitehall and Pigeon Trading Association, The young man is a stirring and competent fellow, and will prove a valuable employee for the association.

Word comes from the vicinity of the Dissmore schoolhouse in Pigeon that Mrs. Urilla Brunn’s address there Monday evening was a success, if a large and attentive audience and a good collection mean anything. Since the meeting, there is considerable talk of organizing a Women’s Christian Temperance Union in that vicinity.

Among the fine residences to be put up this spring in the village will be that of Ludvig L. Solsrud, which is to be erected on his lots on the corner of Blair and Hancock streets. Its dimensions are to be 14 by 26, 14 by 14 and 14 by 18 feet, and will be modeled after Richard Mattson’s residence in Riverside park.

Independence -- Revival meetings were held in the Polish Catholic church Tuesday through Thursday of this week. Seven or eight priests of other congregations were in attendance.

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